
Your time can be someone else's lifeline.<\/h4>\n

DVSAS Volunteers ensure that no matter when it is, or where they are, victims of violence or assault don\u2019t have to be alone. From answering the 24-hour helpline, to working with children affected by violence, to reaching out to the community to share resources, volunteers help each survivor find their voice and take back their lives. Apply to volunteer today! <\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

If you are interested in attending our training for professional development, please fill out the volunteer application.<\/a> We typically cap it at 5 professionals per training. <\/em><\/p>\n<\/div>

Advocacy Counselor Training<\/h4>\n

DVSAS Advocacy Counselor Training (ACT) is required for all volunteers interested in working directly with client and doing outreach. This 52-hour course will provide you with the skills you need to help survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault heal themselves. The next ACT will be September 16-20, 2024. Click here<\/a> to apply!<\/p>\n<\/div>


Advocacy Counselor Training will be in person, from 9-5 at DVSAS' downtown support center. The next ACT will begin on September 16, 2024 and end on September 20, 2024.<\/p>\n

All sessions cover the essential information needed to work directly with clients.<\/p>\n

Session topics include:<\/em><\/p>\n\n