April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month and we are partnering with businesses and organizations throughout Whatcom County to get the word out about DVSAS services.
We want patrons to know that your business and organization supports DVSAS in addressing sexual harassment, sexual assault, and other forms for violence by providing a free stickers that you can display in your bathrooms.
Do you want to join this campaign? Sign up below!

Stickers printed by Stickers for Days
Have any questions? Please contact Angela Sherburne
The following have already committed to this campaign:
Animals as Natural Therapy
Aslan Brewing Company
Bellingham Circus Guild
Chow Gourmet Hot Dogs
Community Food Co-Op
City of Bellingham
City of Ferndale
Culture Cafe Kombucha Town
Herb's Cider
La Quinta by Wyndham
Miller's Backdoor
Phillips 66 Ferndale Refinery
Skookum Kids
Wild Whatcom